I think that all I really want is for someone to believe they have all the time in the world with me enough to really take it. Relationships change, people lose sight of each other and sometimes the most important person in your life becomes a stranger. But I want someone to pretend like that’s not even possible. I want all the time in the world. I’m not trying to be fucking overly profound or something, it’s just true and I’ve been thinking about it like crazy. This isn’t about romance. Well, it could be. It’s more about intimacy and connection, and if that means it’s something sexual, then congratulations to me. Love and sex and romance, it’s all you ever hear from me. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be like that, I just mean to be myself and I don’t even know what that means. This is what I think about, after all. Day in and day out, I think about connection. I think about how I want it, how I crave it, the kinds of intimacy that would benefit my cause. And what I want, what I think of the most, is for someone to treat me like they have all the time in the world with me. No interaction is lost, because all we have is time.
time is on my side.